Water Wells
The township of Madina has an approximate population of 5,000. There are also many surrounding villages. Whilst working in the Madina Health Clinic, it soon became apparent that all was not right with the water supply. Patients with gastro-enteric conditions were questioned and almost all were drinking untreated water from the nearby streams.
A survey of the 10 community wells was undertaken and 8 were found to be non-functional. HelpMadina agreed to provide funds for the repair of these wells on the understanding that:
- A water and sanitation committee was formed
- Each well was allocated a caretaker
- A small payment for water collection was introduced (the exact amount was agreed by the local community) and the money was to be put aside for ongoing well maintenance
- Byelaws were introduced – for example: no animals near the wells, agreed opening times, no drawing of well water for purposes other than drinking, etc.
The repair of water wells is a very important function for HelpMadina and the programme has been extended to local villages. There are many with broken pumps and pipes that can be easily fixed for a modest cost of £500-£1,000. We now have a waiting list of villages in need of our support. The repairs will be carried out as funds allow, so please donate if you can.
Madina has basic shallow pit latrines but many people openly defecate on nearby land. The local community requested our assistance in the provision of better toilet facilities to improve health and to provide dignity.
HelpMadina pays for the materials required to build a Ventilation Improved Pit (VIP) latrine but the digging of the pit is done by the local community under the supervision of the town council.
Each VIP toilet costs approximately £75 and should last up to 15 years. The importance of good hygiene methods to prevent communicable diseases is promoted by a health talk given by the Madina Health clinic nurse to all the householders.
Ultimately the aim is to ensure that each household has its own VIP toilet.
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